NYC Impact 2024 to 2025 Tryouts
Welcome to the 2024-2025 USAV/GEVA season. We understand that volleyball is playing a big role in our lives and we are happy to be back for a new exciting 2024-2025 USAV/GEVA season. We are looking forward to continuing to push all our athletes to reach their full potential and provide a fun and memorable season for all. Please make sure to mark the dates below for our tryouts and contact us if you have any questions.
Teams: 14U, 15U, 16U, and 17U

Pre Check-in Protocol
- Every athlete should come to two tryouts, but everyone is welcome to go to all three.
- Renew or register with a 2024-2025 USA Volleyball membership. Click here to get the membership
- Please complete the NYC Impact Waivers and Medical Online Form below.
- Pay the tryout fee online - HERE
- Review our season information and fees page HERE
- NYC Impact Tryout Form Package(Medical and Waivers)
Thank you for being interested in trying out for NYC Impact Volleyball. We hope to see everyone on the court. Stay safe. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. You can email us at nycimpactvb@gmail.com or email us to schedule a phone call.
2024 GEVA Junior Club Parent Information
2024 GEVA Commitment Policy
Tryout Locations:
Norman Thomas HS, 111 E33rd St. New York
Pay your tryout fee here:
The tryout fee is $100 and it can be paid via Venmo or Zelle
Via Venmo: **Preferred payment method
Please send money to @nycimpactvb and scan the QR code with your Venmo app. Please also include your daughter's name in the comment area and be sure to turn off Purchase before you click sent.

Tryout Fee refund policy CLICK HERE