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NYC Impact COVID-19 Safety and Return to Play Guidelines 

Welcome to the 2021-2022 season. We understand that volleyball plays a big role in our lives and we can't wait to get back on the court. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we must take precautionary measures to keep our coaches, athletes, and families safe, so we can go to every practice and play more volleyball. We will be implementing the following protocols and guidelines. 

How are we protecting our coaches and athletes?

  • Temperature checks and health screen questionnaires are required prior to engaging in any activity. 

  • Face mask or Face covering must be worn and cover both the mouth and nose at all times during practice. A 5 layer mask is recommended. 

  • Hand sanitizer will be available during practice and athletes are encouraged to use it as frequently as they can.

  • Physical distancing, coaches, and athletes will remain at least 6ft when possible.

  • Design no or low-contact drills to encourage social distancing guidelines. 

  • Encourage athletes and coaches to keep a list of close contacts daily.

  • No visitors or parents are allowed at practice. They must wait outside the facility. 

  • Train coaches on how to educate athletes on how to protect themselves from and prevent the spreading of COVID-19

If You Test Positive for COVID-19 (Isolate)

Everyone, regardless of vaccination status.

  • Stay home for 6 days.

  • If you have no symptoms at day 6 days and get tested. You can return to practice with a negative clinical or home COVID-19 test.

  • If you do not want to get tested on day 6 or after, you need to stay home for 10 days.

If you still have any symptoms, continue to stay home until your symptoms resolve, and you can return to practice with a negative clinical or home COVID-19 test.


If You Were Exposed to Someone with COVID-19 Positive (Quarantine)


If you: Have been boosted and wearing a mask when you were exposed to the positive case.

  • You do not need to quarantine

  • Test on day 5, if possible

  • If you develop symptoms get a test and stay home.

If you: Have NOT been boosted, fully vaccinated, or not vaccinated at all, or you DID NOT wear a mask when you were exposed to the positive case

  • Stay home for 5 days

  • Test on day 5, if possible.

  • If you develop symptoms get a test and stay home.

What if my family member(s) tested positive and I am sharing the same living with them?

  • You will stay home until this family member shows no symptoms.

  • Get a test on the day after your family shows no symptoms. You are allowed to go back to practice with a negative test result.

Testing Recommendation

  • Get tested before or after the overnight tournament if possible.

  • Get tested immediately if you experience any symptoms.

  • Get tested after interstate/international traveling or attending large gatherings.

Protective Equipment

  • Coaches are trained on how to put on, take off, and discard protective equipment

  • The club ensures staff coaches an acceptable face mask or face covering with no cost and has an adequate supply of masks in case of need for replacement. 

  • 5 layer mask is recommended and the clue will provide a 5 layer mask if an athlete needs one. 

  • Encourage coaches to use disinfectant on frequently touched surfaces and equipment prior, during, and after when possible. 



  • The club director will be the designated person to handle COVID-19 concerns. 

  • Create a communication plan for coaches, athletes, parents, and athletes to receive updates and report COVID-19 related concerns. 

  • Athletes will be educated throughout the season on how to be proactive and prevent the spreading of COVID-19

Before practice take place

  • The practice facility, equipment, and shared objects will be cleaned\disinfected. 

  • Social Distancing signage will be posted in the practice facility. 

  • Communicate and Ensure coaches and athletes are symptom-free before arrival. 

  • Temperature check upon arrival.

  • Athletes must complete their TeamScreen health screen questionnaire one hour before arrival.

  • Ensure athletes are wearing face masks or face coverings correctly. 

  • Ensure athletes and coaches know where the hand sanitization stations are.

During practice

  • Face masks and face covering are expected to be worn at all times. 

  • Encourage athletes to use hand sanitizer when possible. 

  • Remind and enforce physical distancing guidelines. (No high five, huddle, and team close discussions)

  • Remind athletes not to touch their mouths, faces, and eyes with unclean hands. 

  • No or low contact drills will be used to limit and reduce close contact.

  • Continue sanitizing equipment and high-touch surfaces. 

  • The water fountain will be shut off and athletes must bring their own water bottle and NOT share it with anyone.

End of the practice

  • Coaches and players must wash hands and use hand sanitizer before they leave the facility. 

  • Players must change and leave the facility immediately. athletes must wait for their pick up at the designated area. 

  • The practice facility and equipment were cleaned and disinfected for the next session. 

Last Updated:  1/5/2022

NYC Impact Club Volleyball

Indoor Club Volleyball Program is here. Are you ready for some fun and competitive oindoor volleyball? Check us out down below. 


Help support our athletes with a purchase of one of our fundraising t-shirt. Now accepting online orders. items can be shipped or can be picked up at our practice location. 


Private Lessons

Click here to sign up for a private lesson with one of our qualified coaches.


Copyright © 2020 NYC Impact Sports Inc. All rights reserved.

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